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MHPSS for people on the move during COVID-19: Release of a revised multiagency guidance note

Coordinating agencies, including Save the Children and HIAS, are pleased to announce the official launch of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for People on the Move during COVID-19: A Revised Multi-Agency Guidance Note.  Key contributing agencies include IFRC, TdH, IASSW, and the MHPSS Collaborative.  This guidance note was revised from the 2015 Multi-Agency Guidance Note developed and released by UNHCR, IOM, and IFRC in response to the mental health and psychosocial support needs of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants on the move in Europe.

Michelle Engels, Technical Advisor for the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support, will be presenting tthe guidance note in action at this event.

This is an open event and the guidance note is open to endorsement - agencies interested to endorse the guidance note can contact annie.bonz@hias.org or MAD@redbarnet.dk