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Psychological First Aid for Children Training

Training on PFA for Children

IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support in Copenhagen, 5 December 2018

This one-day training introduces participants to psychological first aid for children. The training has been developed for staff and volunteers working with psychosocial support for children and those providing direct care and support to children in distress and their caregivers, such as nurses, teachers, social workers, health volunteers or ambulance workers.

Topics covered in the training are:

  • Introduction to PFA for children
  • Distressing events
  • Children’s reactions to distressing events
  • Identifying children and caregivers in need of PFA
  • ‘Look, Listen and Link’
  • Communicating with children
  • Complex reactions
  • Self care

Training objectives:

This training provides participants with the knowledge on children’s reactions to distress; knowledge on what PFA for children is and is not; an understanding of the Look, Listen and Link action principles in relation to children; practise in providing children and caregivers with PFA; an understanding of complex reactions and situations; and a heightened awareness of the importance of self-care when helping others.

Dates, deadlines and other important information:

The training takes place at the headquarters of Danish Red Cross, Blegdamsvej 27, 2100 Copenhagen on 5 December 2018, from 8am to 5.30pm.
Participants must be able to participate in the entire training, arriving the night before and departing from the training venue no earlier than 5.30pm on the day of training (earliest possible flight from Copenhagen is at 21:00).
If you have questions, please write to memun@rodekors.dk

Deadline for application: 25 October 2018

Please note that have limited space on the training and only accept applications submitted through the online system here. 

Network meeting on psychosocial well-being for children and youth

The day after the training the PS Centre will be hosting a Network Meeting on Psychosocial well-being for children and youth, where we will officially launch our new PFA material. The meeting is primarily for organizations in Denmark working with mental health and psychosocial support both in a national and international contexts. But if you are accepted to the training you have the opportunity to join us at the Network Meeting. There are a limited number of seats however so please apply via this link as soon as possible:

Visa requirements

Please see specific visa requirements for your country here:
The PS Centre can provide you with a letter of support and a VU1 form in support of your visa application, but it is very important you start the process as soon as possible.

Target group and required qualifications:

Staff and volunteers working with psychosocial support for children. Participants should have good social skills, a strong interest in psychosocial support and a willingness to participate actively during the training. The training will be conducted in English so all participants must have sufficient English skills to participate actively in the training.


Participants must cover their own expenses for travel, accommodation and per diem. Sandwiches and snacks will be provided during the training, and the training is free of charge. However the PS Centre is able to offer a limited number of scholarships covering flights and hotels – if you would like to apply please state this in your on-line application under funding and we will get back to you.


The required pre-reading must be completed before the start of the training, so each participant must dedicate some hours of preparation before the training. We will send out the material a week before the training.