BLOG: Reflections in the field #4

The PS Centre has asked Jolie Wills, Psychosocial Knowledge Sharing and Research Advisor for New Zealand Red Cross, to share…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • November 7, 2014

BLOG: What I learned about staff support #4

The PS Centre has asked long-time roster member Gordy Dodge, Ph.D., LP to share his reflections, observations and recommendations from…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • November 6, 2014

BLOG: What I learned about staff support #3

The PS Centre has asked long-time roster member Gordy Dodge, Ph.D., LP to share his reflections, observations and recommendations from…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • October 23, 2014

Training: Psychosocial support in emergencies

Psychosocial support in emergencies – four days advanced training Humanitarian actors recognize that natural disasters, armed conflicts, epidemic outbreaks and…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • October 2, 2014

Latest Coping with Crisis available for download in French

Face à la Crise (1-2014) est maintenant téléchargeable en français ici. Le nouveau numéro de notre magazine traite des questions…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • September 19, 2014

Workshop: Follow-up and lessons learned post-2004 tsunami

Follow-up and lessons learned in post-2004 Indian Ocean tsunami psychosocial programming and operations: In July, 2014, the PS Centre, in…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • September 10, 2014

Coping with Crisis in Arabic

The previous issue of Coping with Crisis, 2-2013 is now available for download in Arabic. This issue includes several stories…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • September 5, 2014

Ebola and psychosocial support: Download briefing package in English and French

Providing psychosocial support during an outbreak of such a deadly and infectious disease is not quite like providing psychosocial support during other more well-known types of crisis. In order to support staff, volunteers and delegates responding to the outbreak, the PS Centre has developed a briefing note on psychosocial support in the context of ebola.

  • Jesper Guhle
  • August 18, 2014

BLOG: What I learned about staff support #2

The PS Centre has asked long-time roster member Gordy Dodge, Ph.D., LP to share his reflections, observations and recommendations from…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • July 21, 2014

Fear of Ebola voiced in poem

Nobody on the land, and nothing, nothing but Ebola.
The disaster everywhere.
Death without proper burial.
Devoid of custom and tradition
No palm greeting and body contact.

  • Jesper Guhle
  • July 9, 2014