BLOG: What I learned about staff support #1

The PS Centre has asked long-time roster member Gordy Dodge, Ph.D., LP to share his reflections, observations and recommendations from…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • June 18, 2014

Psychosocial Support in Damascus: Fear, hope and commitment

A large number of families are living in a shelter in unfinished buildings next to a garbage dump on top of an open sewer with unsafe water. 150 children of all ages are clustered around volunteers in the shade. Most don’t even notice us, busy as they are drawing, writing and cutting a shield out of paper. They talk to their volunteer about who can protect them and whom they feel safe with.

  • Jesper Guhle
  • May 12, 2014

Ebola: Battling fear and stigma

Fear, especially when coupled with poor knowledge about how to prevent the disease, and lack of resources to set up protective measures, can lead to panic and to stigmatization of those who have been in contact with the sick or have been handling dead bodies.

  • Jesper Guhle
  • May 6, 2014

2013 Annual Report now available

2013 saw both an earthquake and typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, the Gansu earthquake in China, the Westgate Mall attack…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • May 2, 2014

Haiyan volunteers learn how to unwind after the typhoon

A psychosocial support (PSS) programme developed by mental health experts from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • March 28, 2014

Red Cross Society of China helps comfort brutal knife attack survivors

“I was seeing off friends at the railway station when suddenly I saw a group carrying long knives starting to…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • March 20, 2014

Vacancy: Strong psychosocial support advisor (expired)

Strong psychosocial support advisor with psychosocial crisis management experience and good facilitation skills for global centre of excellence Please note…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • March 14, 2014

Supporting volunteers in Central African Republic

“I am amazed to see how the volunteers persist in working under extremely difficult conditions and under extreme heat that…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • February 25, 2014

New Coping with Crisis

This issue features stories about Syria, Kenya, research, economic crisis, trainings, reflections and much more. Download English PDF

  • Jesper Guhle
  • December 10, 2013

Girls gaining confidence and good habits in Swat

In the Swat Valley in northern Pakistan, a group of young girls are assembled in a classroom. Despite the bitter…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • December 10, 2013