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Inclusion strategy and roadmap: “building the bridge” between the status quo and the goal to be achieved

This session is part of the the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks 2021 from April 19 - May 07.

This session, hosted by the Humanitarian Policy Group at ODI with the support of the topic lead, will bring together those that led sessions under the “inclusion” priority topic as well as other participants to:

  • Reflect on challenges and gaps for the inclusion agenda.
  • Identifyopportunities and next steps to make progress towards more inclusivehumanitarian action.

This session will discuss commonalities across the inclusion spectrum, where gaps exist, where challenges and obstacles for more inclusive humanitarian action remains, consider how to retain achievements as well as identify opportunities, ways forward and next steps to progress the inclusion agenda. We hope that this session will more specifically discuss how to move away from the challenges of the current fragmented approach to inclusion without diluting the progress made in particular on gender equalityand disability inclusion. The outcome of the session will be a roadmap for moving towards more inclusive humanitarian action.

The target audience for this session includes inclusion priority topic session leads, any other organisation or participant working or interested in inclusive humanitarian action. We would very much welcome representativesof as many networks as possible given that inclusion is a cross cutting issuein humanitarian action.

Carmen Valle-Trabadelo, Technical Advisor in the Psychosocial Centre and co-chair of the IASC Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, is a panelist for this event. More information and registration.