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PFA in Groups – Support to teams

2 to 4 October 2018: PFA in Groups – Support to teams

This three-day training on “PFA in groups – support to teams” has been developed for managers of teams of staff and volunteers, such as programme managers, volunteer team leaders, field officers, youth leadersor others who have the responsibility for the well-being of teams of Red Cross and Red Crescent staff or volunteers. It is a method of support they can use to fulfil a part of their obligation of providing care and support to staff and volunteers after crises. Topics covered in the training are:
  • Introduction/refresher to basic Psychological first aid
  • Introduction to supporting staff and volunteers who have been involved in a critical event
  • Make an assessment to see if PFA in groups – support to teams is needed
  • Run a PFA in groups team meeting (Introduction, brief review of the crisis event, provide psycho-education, promote peer support, provide referral information, close the meeting)
  • Facilitate the meeting so everyone feels included
  • Handle difficult reactions and disclosures
  • Manage group participation, dynamics and interactions
  • Provide PFA to an individual in a group setting and support to teams

Training objective

This training equips participants with the knowledge and skills to prepare for a PFA and support meeting, which includes assessing if and when a meeting is needed, appropriate venue, timing, group composition, and best-suited facilitators. It also gives participants skills and practise in facilitating PFA in a group setting with guidance on how to manage communication and inclusion; promoting social cohesion and peer support; providing relevant psycho-education; handle difficult situations; and when to refer individuals for specialised support after the group meeting.

Dates, deadlines and other important information:

The training takes place in Copenhagen on 2 – 4 October 2018 from 9am – 5pm all days. Participants must be able to participate in the entire training, arriving the night before and departing from the training venue no earlier than 17:00 on the last day of training (earliest possible flight from Copenhagen is at 21:00). If you have questions, please write to psacademy@rodekors.dk

Deadline for application: 3 August 2018

Please note that we only accept applications submitted through the online system: Click here to apply for the training Please see specific visa requirements for your country here: https://www.nyidanmark.dk/en-us/coming_to_dk/visa/need_visa/who_needs_visa.htm The PS Centre can provide you with a letter of support and a VU1 form in support of your visa application, but it is very important you start the process as soon as possible.

Target group and required qualifications

Red Cross and Red Crescent managers of teams of staff and volunteers. Participants are preferred if they already have a basic understanding of PFA and are experienced in providing PFA to individuals. The participants should also have experience managing or facilitating groups. This is an advanced training as providing PFA in group settings requires additional skills to those learned in a training on basic PFA for individuals. Participants should have good social skills, a strong interest in psychosocial support and a willingness to participate actively during the training is required. The training will be conducted in English so all participants must have sufficient English skills to participate actively in the training. Please note that priority is given to Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers. Participants from other organisations will only be considered as exceptions.


Participants must cover their own expenses for travel, accommodation and per diem. Lunch and snacks will be provided during the training, and the training is free of charge.


The required pre-reading must be complete before the start of the training. Each participant must dedicate a full day of preparation before the training. The pre-reading will be sent to confirmed participants two weeks before the training.