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Thematic sessions on Translating science into action: Perspectives of professionals working in health, culture and education on science communication during health emergencies

This thematic session is  part of the WHO global conference on communicating science during health emergencies.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the evidence on COVID-19 and related protective measures is continuously evolving. Changing recommendations and pandemic response measures expose the public to high levels of uncertainty and are hence complicated to convey. Increasing pandemic fatigue and an overabundance of (scientific) information highlight the need for effective, innovative and reliable science communication.

Many good practice examples of science communication have already emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. These innovative solutions represent a valuable resource for the current and future health emergencies. The World Health Organization Information Network for Epidemics (WHO EPI-WIN) organizes a global conference on communicating science during public health emergencies to facilitate the solution-oriented discussion of challenges and good practices in health science communication during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The public sessions of the conference will feature innovative science communication concepts in the areas of (i) science communication for researchers, (ii) science and the media, and (iii) translating science into action.

Carmen Valle-Trabedelo, Co-Chair IASC Reference Group on MHPSS in Emergency Settings and Member of the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support will be presenting at this open session on perspectives of professionals working in health, culture and education on science communication during health emergencies.

Zoom link to event: https://who.zoom.us/j/96327287840

Password to zoom meeting: ^7@krWEB