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WHO Mental Health Forum 2021

The Mental Health Forum provides an opportunity to bringtogether diverse stakeholders working on mental health-related issues to exchange ideas, collaborate and learn from each
other. The COVID-19 pandemic and its socio-economic consequences have heightened the visibility and priority given to mental health on national and international agendas, and underscored the need to invest in better mental health for all. Yet, we are miles from our goal of universal access to mental health services.

This year’s World Health Assembly urged Member States to develop and strengthen comprehensive mental health services and psychosocial support as part of universal health coverage, with a particular focus on improving understanding of mental health conditions and the needs of vulnerable populations and scaling-up the use of innovative technologies.

Carmen Valle-Trabedelo, Co-Chair IASC Reference Group on MHPSS in Emergency Settings and Member of the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support will be a panelist at this online forum.

This forum is by invitation only.