PFA in Groups – Support to teams

Danish Red Cross Blegdamsvej 27, Copenhagen, Denmark

2 to 4 October 2018: PFA in Groups – Support to teams This three-day training on “PFA in groups –…

Psychological First Aid for Children Training

Danish Red Cross Blegdamsvej 27, Copenhagen, Denmark

Training on PFA for Children IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support in Copenhagen, 5 December 2018 This one-day training introduces…

Training in Copenhagen: Child Friendly Spaces in Humanitarian Settings

Danish Red Cross Blegdamsvej 27, Copenhagen, Denmark

The training is for Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers who plan to or already work with Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) as facilitators and managers. The training builds on the newly released Toolkit for Child-Friendly Spaces in Humanitarian Settings.
The training is based on cooperative and participatory principles where participants are taking active part in all aspects of the training. The training includes playful activities, active engagement in exercises in pairs and groups, participant-led short sessions from the Activity Catalogue for Child Friendly Spaces in Humanitarian Settings as well as case work from the daily work of participants.

Training in Copenhagen: Programming and M&E for Psychosocial Interventions

Danish Red Cross Blegdamsvej 27, Copenhagen, Denmark

The training provides the knowledge and tools necessary for participants to carry out assessments, develop and adapt indicators and monitor mental health and psychosocial interventions. There will be special focus on practicing the use of the monitoring and evaluation framework and tools developed by the PS Centre.