Heartbeat of Humanity: Caring for the carers

  • December 7, 2021
December 7, 2021

“As human beings we want an answer and we want predictability. The pandemic shattered that for many people. Their basic assumptions about the world were turned upside down.” – Stephen Regel, Clinical Lead for the Centre for Trauma, Resilience and Growth

In this episode of Heartbeat of Humanity, Technical Advisor Ea Suzanne Akasha interviews Stephen about the effect of the pandemic on frontline workers and what we can do to support them.

Carers in this context refer to frontline workers, healthcare professionals and Red Cross Red Crescent staff and volunteers. The discussion in this episode explores the several types of impacts that the volume and intensity of the pandemic has had on frontline workers. They also covered important topics such as the impacts of living in isolation and the value of peer support, empathy and compassion.

  1. Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman
  2. Has the pandemic really caused a ‘tsunami’ of mental health problems? – Richard Bentall

Watch this podcast as a video

The podcast Heartbeat of Humanity is about mental health and psychosocial support.

The podcast is mainly for staff and volunteers in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, especially staff and volunteers working in mental health and psychosocial support services.

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