Newly endorsed MHPSS IASC guidance documents

  • January 16, 2023
January 16, 2023

Three endorsed documents developed by the IASC Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (MHPSS RG) are now available. As a co-chair agency of the MHPSS RG, the IFRC PS Centre is delighted to share these three important tools that contribute to MHPSS responses on a global scale.

If you are interested in translating any of these three products into another language, please contact Maya Bachet at with in the copy for coordination purposes.

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Minimum Service Package (MHPSS MSP)

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Minimum Service Package (MHPSS MSP)

The MHPSS MSP is an easy-to-follow intersectoral package, which spells out the activities and actions that all humanitarian actors should put in place in all emergencies for an effective MHPSS response. It speaks to different actors at the global, regional, national, and local levels to plan, coordinate and implement an effective MHPSS response.

Use of the MHPSS MSP is expected to lead to better-coordinated, more predictable, and more equitable responses that make effective use of limited resources and thus improve the scale and quality of programming. This will ultimately result in substantially better mental health and psychosocial well-being for larger numbers of people.


Translations are ongoing in Arabic, Spanish and French.

Materials to facilitate implementation
The MHPSS MSP is an IASC product. The following materials can facilitate implementation but are not integral components of the IASC product:

The MHPSS MSP web platform includes additional appendixes, links and tools, from a wide range of humanitarian partners. The MHPSS MSP youtube channel includes introduction videos and a tour of the MHPSS MSP web platform.

The Handbook of MHPSS Coordination

Handbook of MHPSS coordination

The Handbook of MHPSS Coordination provides standard guidance on how to best to support well-coordinated and multisectoral MHPSS responses that are predictable, accountable, equitable, efficient and effective. Based on lessons learned from the field during the last two decades, and informed by existing coordination handbooks from other sectors, this tool was designed to be brief, practical and adaptable to specific contexts.


Translations are ongoing in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Bangla, Portuguese and Swahili and will be released in due course.

Addressing Suicide in Humanitarian Settings

Addressing Suicide Prevention in Humanitarian Settings: Guidance Note

This new guidance aims to support programme implementers, coordinators and others in humanitarian settings in their actions to counter suicide and self-harm in humanitarian contexts and to save lives. It brings together a wide range of approaches, tools, reference materials, and case examples. The practical resource is applicable across all types of emergencies, organizations, and sectors.


The Guidance Note will be soon available in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili.