State of play workshop for the Roadmap implementation

  • April 5, 2022
April 5, 2022

For the first time since the initiation of the MHPSS Roadmap for Implementation and the creation of the five Working Groups, the Working Group co-leads and the Interim Coordination Structure, with representatives of the ICRC, the IFRC and the IFRC PS Centre, were all invited to join the hybrid State of Play workshop, held physically in Malmö, Sweden, in December 2021.

This was a great opportunity to take stock of the progress of the Movement’s commitment to mental health and psychosocial support, to discuss the continuous collaboration across the MHPSS Roadmap coordination structures, and to advocate for MHPSS“, says Nathalie H. Rigall, Project Coordinator for the Roadmap Implementation.

The State of Play workshop
The State of Play was an internal workshop to the Movement organized by the ICRC, the IFRC and the IFRC PS Centre with support from the British, Danish and the Swedish Red Cross. During the two-day, hybrid workshop, 11 Working Group co-leads together with the leading Interim Coordination Structure looked back at the achievements made in relation to the Roadmap for Implementation, as well as looked ahead on how the progress can be supported and fostered for 2022 and 2023.

The Roadmap for Implementation
In December 2019, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement adopted a set of commitments addressing mental health and psychosocial support needs. These commitments are set out in Resolution 2 of the 33rd International Conference and Resolution 5 of the 2019 Council of Delegates, including the Movement policy. The policy and resolutions have been operationalized into a Roadmap for implementation which identifies six Priority Action Areas and outlines the outputs and outcomes expected by 2023. Five Working Groups were established in 2021 and continue to support the IFRC, the ICRC and the National Societies in their commitments to the Roadmap for Implementation and its six priority action areas.

The agenda points of the State of Play workshop
The agenda included presentations and progress made by the ICRC, the IFRC and National Societies coordinated and fostered through the Roadmap Working Groups and other Roadmap coordination structures, such as the Interim Coordination Structure. The programme further entailed various sessions on progress, challenges and looking ahead, followed by a high-level roundtable event for Managers and Leaders and a session on the linkages between Protection and the MHPSS Roadmap across Movement sectors.

Here is a list of resources about the State of Play workshop:

Presentations of the Working Group co-leads here on the six priority action areas

  • Priority Action Area 1 / Working Group 1: achieve a basic level of MHPSS across sectors
  • Priority Action Area 2/ Working Group 2: reinforce the Movement’s MHPSS collaboration
  • Priority Action Area 3 / Working Group 3: promote the MHPSS support of staff and volunteers
  • Priority Action Area 4 / Working Group 4: demonstrate the impact of MHPSS interventions
  • Priority Action Areas 5 & 6 / Working Group 5: strengthen the advocacy for mental health and resource mobilization

Linking protection and MHPSS

  • Presentation by Milena Osorio, MHPSS Project Coordinator, ICRC.

Roundtable of Managers and Leaders

The following Movement leaders and managers participated in the roundtable
Anna Didenko (Ukrainian Red Cross, Head of Psychosocial Support Unit)
Claire Clément (British Red Cross, Director International Law and Policy)
Dick Clomén (Swedish Red Cross, Senior Policy Advisor)
Dominik Stillhart (ICRC, Director of Operation)
Jane Hollman (Australian Red Cross, Chief People & Culture Officer)
Martin Ärnlöv (Swedish Red Cross, Secretary General)
Micaela Serafini (ICRC, Head of Health)
Richard Blewitt (British Red Cross, Executive Director International)
Signe Yde-Anderson (Danish Red Cross, Head of International Programmes)
Xavier Castellanos Mosquera (IFRC, Under Secretary General for National Society Development and Operations Coordination)

Movement-wide Mental Health & Psychosocial Support Progress Survey Results

Find below the mentioned recorded sessions.

Roundtable of Managers and Leaders on the Roadmap Implementation

Working Group 1 presented by Sarah Davidson (British Red Cross) and Sarah Harrison (IFRC PS Centre)

Working Group 2 presented by Louise Kryger (Danish Red Cross) and Douglas Khayat Araujo Siqueira (ICRC)

Working Group 3 presented by Maite Zamacona (Swedish Red Cross) and Ines Hake (IFRC)

Working Group 4 presented by Monia Aebersold (Swiss Red Cross) and Michelle Engels (IFRC PS Centre)

Working Group 5 presented by Jakob Harbo (Danish Red Cross) and Joy Muller (IFRC)

Linking the Roadmap with Protection presented by Milena Osorio (ICRC)

Roundtable of Managers and Leaders on the Roadmap Implementation

Movement-wide Mental Health & Psychosocial Support Progress Survey Results

Below, find a summary of the State of Play workshop along with an overview of the coming Working Group calls scheduled for this year and the languages available.