Webinar: PFA between theory and practice

  • October 13, 2017
October 13, 2017

Psychological first aid (PFA) is often delivered to people recovering from the adverse impact of a disasters or traumatic events. The past decade has witnessed a boom in PFA models and manuals. But there are few high-quality studies to support the effectiveness of PFA.

Why is the evidence-base for PFA so limited? What are the challenges for conducting research on PFA?
This webinar will seek to address these questions and is presented by

– Eliza Cheung, Clinical psychologist, Hong Kong Red Cross and Technical Advisor, PS Centre
– Koen van Praet, Clinical psychologist, Belgian Red Cross (Flanders)
– Ferdinand Garoff, Psychologist, University of Tampere

The webinar takes place on Thursday 26 October at 11:00 CET (UTC+2). Join the webinar via your browser:

The vision of the research network is to provide effective humanitarian action through a strengthened evidence-base in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement for mental health and psychosocial support for beneficiaries, volunteers and staff.

Please contact coordinator of the research network, Cecilie Dinesen (cedin@rodekors.dk), for further information.

Please note that you may be asked to install a small Skype for Business plug-in to join.
If you experience problems viewing the webinar, please try another browser.

The webinar will be recorded and made available for viewing online.