World Mental Health Day 2022

  • October 4, 2022
October 4, 2022

October 10 is World Mental Health Day, an international day for global mental health education, awareness and policy advocacy. This year’s theme is “Make Mental Health for All a Global Priority”.

To mark the importance of this day, The PS Centre has created easily shareable infographics and an introductory video training package for Red Cross Crescent staff and volunteers working  with or planning to set up child friendly spaces in humanitarian settings. The PS Centre will be participating in discussions, conducting trainings and sharing resources in the days leading up to World Mental Health Day.

Below is an overview of resources created for, and events leading up to, World Mental Health Day 2022.

PS Centre World Mental Health Day Infographics

In line with “Making Mental Health for All a Global Priority” and to make Mental Health resources and knowledge more accessible, the PS Centre has created these infographics in hopes to translate complex and challenging concepts into simple steps.

The infographic can be printed in A3, but a larger version is also available. Contact PS Centre Communications Officer Jesper Guhle, , for an A1 print-ready version of the poster.

Setting up Psychosocial Support in response to a Crisis Event

Feelings of confusion and being insecure can be overwhelming after a major incident. In nine simple steps, this infographic explains how Red Cross Red Crescent staff and volunteers can set up psychosocial support after a crisis event.

Talking to Children about War 

It can be difficult to talk to children about about something as complex an emotional as war and conflict. This infographic gives simple advice on how to create a secure environment for parents and caregivers to talk to children about war.

Supporting Volunteer Teams
Supporting volunteer teams can be challenging. This infographic gives simple advice on how to support and lead volunteers.

Talking about Mental Health & Psychosocial Support in Emergencies

Words matter when talking about the mental health impact of emergencies. People may be going through the most difficult time of their lives. This infographic gives simple advice on how to talk about mental health & psychosocial support in emergencies.

Video training: Child Friendly Spaces in Humanitarian Settings

The PS Centre has created a new three session video series ‘Child Friendly Spaces in Humanitarian Settings’ as an introductory training that includes setting up of spaces, activities, supporting children in distress and ways to include caregivers. The videos and the accompanying workbook has both exercises if you follow the training as an individual or as a group. The videos can viewed online or downloaded from the PS Centre video library.  Remember to download the workbook with exercises and case studies.

Introductory training videos

Child friendly spaces in humanitarian settings – introductory training: session 1

Child friendly spaces in humanitarian settings – introductory training: session 2

Child friendly spaces in humanitarian settings – introductory training: session 3

Introductory Training Workbook

  October 5

Webinar: War Trauma and Children

Ea Suzanne Akasha, Senior Technical Advisor, at the PS Centre is a speaker in the upcoming session: War Trauma and Children, What does the Updated Istanbul Protocol tell us? Translation available in French, Spanish and Finnish.

For more information visit our event calendar or the registration link.

October 10

Webinar: Older Adults and Mental Health

A ’45 minutes’ webinar that will be held on the World Mental Health Day on the following topic: : Preventing the risks of an ageist society in Europe.

Ea Suzanne Akasha, Senior TA, at the PS Centre will provide an introduction at the beginning of the webinar. A publication will be released at the end of the webinar.

For more information visit our event calendar.

October 10

Twitter Space: Caring for Carers

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies will host a space through their Twitter account. PS Centre Technical Advisors, Shona Whitton  and Guleed Dualeh will discuss how we can support the well-being of staff and volunteers in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. Remember to follow the PS Centre on Twitter.

October 11

Heartbeat of Humanity: Basic Psychosocial Support across Sectors

On 11 October, The PS Centre will release a new Heartbeat of Humanity podcast episode. PS Centre Communications Officer Jesper Guhle interviews Sarah Davidson, Head of Psychosocial & Mental Health at British Red Cross, and Sarah Harrison, Technical Team Lead at the PS Centre about the working group within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement creating strategies for implementing basic psychosocial support across sectors.

Listen to the episode  on the ps centre website or subscribe to Heartbeat of Humanity on Apple PodcastSpotifyGoogle Podcast or wherever you find your podcasts.

October 13

Global Mental Health Summit 2022

At  the Fourth Global Mental Health Summit, taking place in Rome from 13 to 14 October, Co-Chair IASC RG on MHPSS in Emergency Settings Carmen Valle-Trabadelo is coordinating a session on emergencies preparedness and PS Centre Technical advisor Shona Whitton will be coordinating a session on work force mental health.

Read more and download the programme at the conference website.

October 24

IFRC Global Staff Meeting

On 24 October, at the IFRC  Global Staff Meeting,  PS Centre Technical Team Lead Sarah Harrison will present the PS Centre publication the Well-being Guide.

For more information visit our event calendar.