Apply for 2018 Training in Psychosocial Support in National Emergencies

Psychosocial Support in National Emergencies Copenhagen, 27 February to 2 March 2018 Training objectives In times of emergency, psychosocial responders…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • October 25, 2017

Webinar: PFA between theory and practice

Webinar 26 October:
Why is the evidence-base for PFA so limited? What are the challenges for conducting research on PFA?
This webinar will seek to address these questions

  • Jesper Guhle
  • October 13, 2017

Red Cross Red Crescent Research Network Annual Meeting 2017

The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Red Cross Red Crescent Research Network on MHPSS will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 22-23 November 2017. The annual meeting brings together practitioners and researchers involved in MHPSS research from the Movement and allows them to share their research findings and exploring the potential for future research partnerships.  The format will be a combination of key note speakers, workshops, research presentations and group discussions.

  • Jesper Guhle
  • October 11, 2017

Talking and writing about psychosocial support

Words matter when we talk about psychosocial support. It makes a difference when a person is portrayed as a passive victim…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • October 6, 2017

Workshop: Faith-sensitive psychosocial support: What does it mean in practice?

Many people have a strong faith or religious identity. When disaster strikes and they have to leave their homes, they…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • August 10, 2017

New PS Centre material: Psychosocial Support in Flooding

By some miracle, the conservatory wasn’t badly damaged. The first thing we did was to clean it up. We put in a space heater, some nice furniture and cosy lightning. Then, amidst all the chaos, filth and uncertainty, we had a sanctuary. It was a place to be and for the neighbours to come together.

  • Jesper Guhle
  • July 27, 2017

Register for the Caring for Volunteers training!

Caring for volunteers – training of trainers: Copenhagen, 14 to 16 November 2017

The training will equip participants with knowledge, skills and tools on planning and implementing caring for volunteers activities and interventions based on the IFRC PS Centre “Caring for Volunteers, a Psychosocial Support Toolkit”.

  • Jesper Guhle
  • June 30, 2017

Annual Report 2016

The PS Centre Annual Report for 2016 is available for download now. Read about the work of the IFRC Psychoscial Programme, the global challenges and how they are met.

  • Jesper Guhle
  • June 21, 2017

M&E Training coming up!

Programming and M&E for Psychosocial Interventions training in Copenhagen.
The training takes place on 31 October to 2 November and the deadline for registration is 31 July!

  • Jesper Guhle
  • May 24, 2017

PS Academy 2017

The 2017 PS Academy trainings are planned on the following dates. Please note that not all trainings are yet open…

  • Jesper Guhle
  • December 19, 2016